Saturday, January 27, 2007

Live from New York--It's Saturday Night ???

My husband's gone out dancing, and left me home alone to spend a thrilling evening entering bills into Quicken. :(

It's like this: I'm still recovering from (thankfully, minor and relatively painless) foot surgery, and am in no shape to attend an Israeli folk dance marathon. My husband, on the other, will be starting a new semester of college accounting courses as of Monday. If registration goes according to plan and all of the classes to which he's been assigned actually take place, he'll be teaching Monday through Thursday nights. Add to that the fact that Hubster, CPA is about to enter the dreaded (by yours truly, an experienced "tax widow") "busy season," which will make even Sunday night Israel folk dancing next to impossible, and tonight and tomorrow night may be his last chance to go folk dancing until April 16!

(In answer to the question that my Orthodox readers may now be asking in their heads, Sefirah observance goes pretty much down the tubes for both of us when it comes to folk dancing. My husband just isn't much into observing Sefirah, other than counting the Omer. I, myself, experimented with a more traditional Sefirah observance last year, and concluded that, while I can manage without listening to music from Chol HaMoed Pesach until Lag B'Omer, I really can't manage without going Israeli folk dancing for a whole month, because that's pretty much the only form of exercise that I do on a regularly basis nowdays.)

Oh, well, since I swiped the show's slogan as my post title, I suppose I can always watch "Saturday Night Live."


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